Monday, December 3, 2007

case project3

1.XYZ Corp's Nashua, NH, facilities are two office building located 400 feet apart, each with its own LAN. To connect the two networs, you plan to dig a trench and lay cable in conduit between the two buildings. You want to use fiber optic cabl, but you budget-concious facilities manager wants to use thinwire Ethernet. What's the best reason you can use to justify fiber-optic cable in this case?


d. Fiber optic leaves more room for growth, and for future needs for increased bandwidth, than thinnet does.

2. TVBCA is moving to the new facilities. Its new campus includes three building, each no more than 100 meters apart from the others. The network is to link all the building together. Each of the building is to be remodeled, so thier plenty of space to run cable and put the network together.


a. The propose solution delivered the required result and both of the optional desired result.

3. An advertizing firmdecides to install a network to link all employee's computers together. The campany plans to introduce some video telecomferencing software across the board and plans to use e-mail and database application heavily. Because of the anticipated load on the network, you want it to be as fast as posible.


a. The propose solution delivered the required result and both of the optional disered result because the cable is even if expensive but you can recieved many e-mail as fast.

4. XYZ Corp. decides to bring mobile computing to its field engineers. Each field engineer is to be supplied with a laptop, a portable fax/printer, and some kind of wireless transmission device.


a. The propose solution deliver the required result and both of the optional desired results because many engeneer can consume and thier work must faster so that they use the GTE MobileNet for $ 2500 a month.

case project3

Case project 2

1. Henderson And Associates a mid-size engineering firm, hire you as a consultant to design their network. The company occupies three floors in a building downtown with PCs on all 40 desks and three server. The company management wants areas to all 40 desks on all floors. The management also want to keep cost down but needs a realable networ. Select a topology or combination of topology to services this company. Draw a map of thier network.

2. The database manager for your company wants to implement a "server farm"(collection of that communicate via high-speed link) for the database server. These servers will be replicated; the network must be operate reliably and quickly yet still be able to connect to other devices (PCs and so forth). Develop two plans, with different topologies, for impleminting this server fsrm; discuse the advantages and disadvantages of each concept.


Star topology, host are connected to each other through a central controller which assumes all responsibility for routing messages to the appropriate hest. Data flow between the hosts and the central controller is represented by dotted lines. Direct host-to-host communication isn’t permitted. Ring topology, hosts are connected to each other in a circular fashion with data flowing in one direction only. The network can be connected to other networks via a bridge or gateway. If the other network has the same protocol, a bridge is used to connect the networks. If the other network has different protocol, a gateway is used.

3.Design networks for two classroom environment – a permanent facility and a traveling classroom. They must have connectivity for 20 PCs and a server, and be inexpensive and easy to set up. Present both versions of this design to the class and discuss the benefits of each.


A hybrid topology with a version of two networks that combines a star and a ring, connected by a bridge. The star topology can be used to a permanent classroom which has a central controller that one of its connection can be connected to the bridge that is also connected to the ring topology and this ring topology can be use to the traveling classroom.
4. Design a network for 3 – D imaging firm. It must have connectivity for 40 high-speed imaging workstations and two servers. This network must support high performance and easy reconfiguration into as many as eight workgroups, any of which may have as many as a dozen members. Explain the kind of networking device required to create such an environment and why it’s the only choice for this particular kind of networking implementation.


Switched network is required to create such an environment. It can impose whatever kind of topology it likes on the groups of devices that make up the VLANs that the switch recognizes and controls, as well as the interconnections among whatever VLANs exist in that switch’s configuration.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Key study

1.The XYZ Corporation currently employs eight people but plans to hire 10 more in the next four months. Users will work on multiple projects, and only those user assigned to any one project files. You're instructed to set up the network to make it easy to manage and back up.


=>My choose is server-based- networking beacuse it can handle more users or any networks where resources are used heavily. A single password for network logon delivers access to all resources. A Server-based-networking makes the most sense for networks with 10 or more users or any networks where resources are used heavily.

2.Widgets,Inc., hired you as a productivity consultant. Currently, they employ six people who routinely excahnage information via sneakernet. They want the cheapest possible solution and only minimaL Training for employee. Individual employees must be able to control resources on their own machines.


=>The peer-to-peer network beacuse they offered some power indocuments particularly for smaller organizations. they are the easiestand cheapest at all to install and mostly they required only one suit ablt operating system, which tend to have small networks and small operating system budgets.

3.American Tool and Die operates two machine shops, one in Twoson, Maryland, and the other in Beeltsville, Maryland. The company wants the two locations to share a single database, so that the managers at each facility can exchange works orders and monitor inventory on demand. individual users need some control over individual resources, but they also want network faxing and dial-in services at each location.


=> A combination of two networks they are the server-based-networks and peer-to-peer networks. Because the American Tool and Die needed a good output of there works and they wanted to monitor each of there resources and users. with the use of these two combination of networks its easy to them to share and monitors there inventory and resources of each every one.every one of them has a good service to the users.

4.What kind of the specialized servers do you need to insatal; at American Tool and Die, based on the information presented in the previpous case project?


=>The kind of specialized server do i need to install at American tool and Die is te Server-based-networks.

Key study

Monday, June 25, 2007



Unit Name Absulote Size Exponential Form
byte 2 bytes 2
kilobytes 1,024 bytes 2^10
megabytes 1,048,576 bytes 2^20
gigabytes 1,073,741,824 2^30
terabytes 1,099,511,627,776 2^40
petabytes 1,125,899,906,842,624 2^50
1.Explain the following:
a. Multiprogramming. Why it is use?
=>Because multiprogramming system, multiple programs submitted by users were each allowed to use the processor for a short time. To users it appeared that all of the programs were executing at the same time. Problems of resource contention first arose in these systems. Explicit requests for resources led to the problem of the deadlock. Competition for resources on machines with no tie-breaking instructions lead to the critical section routine.
b. Internal Fragmentation.How does it occur?
=>Internal fragmentation occurs when storage is allocated without ever intending to use it. This space is wasted. While this seems foolish, it is often accepted in return for increased efficiency or simplicity. The term "internal" refers to the fact that the unusable storage is inside the allocated region but is not being used.
c. External Fragmentation.How does it occur?
=>External fragmentation is the phenomenon in which free storage becomes divided into many small pieces over time. It is a weakness of certain storage allocation algorithms, occurring when an application allocates and deallocates ("frees") regions of storage of varying sizes, and the allocation algorithm responds by leaving the allocated and deallocated regions interspersed. The result is that, although free storage is available, it is effectively unusable because it is divided into pieces that are too small to satisfy the demands of the application. The term "external" refers to the fact that the unusable storage is outside the allocated regions.
d. Compaction. Why is it needed?
=>Compaction is the process of a material being more closely packed together. A compactor is a device that performs compaction.
Compaction is often used to reduce the size of waste material. Garbage compactors and waste collection vehicles compress waste so that more of it can be stored in the same space. It is compacted again, more thoroughly, at the landfill to preserve valuable space
e. Relocation.How often should it be performed?
=>relocation is the process of replacing symbolic references or names of libraries with actual usable addresses in memory before running a program. It is typically done by the linker during compilation, although it can be done at run-time by a loader. Compilers or assemblers typically generate the executable with zero as the lower-most, starting address. Before the execution of object code, these addresses should be adjusted so that they denote the correct runtime addresses.
2.Disadvantages of 4 memory allocation.

3. Advantages of 4 memory allocation.
=>Static memory allocation refers to the process of allocating memory at compile-time before the associated program is executed, unlike dynamic memory allocation or automatic memory allocation where memory is allocated as required at run-time.
An application of this technique involves a program module (e.g. function or subroutine) declaring static data locally, such that this data is inaccessible in other modules unless references to it are passed as parameters or returned. A single copy of static data is retained and accessible through many calls to the function in which it is declared. Static memory allocation therefore has the advantage of modularising data within a program design in the situation where this data must be retained through the runtime of the program.
The use of static variables within a class in object oriented programming enables a single copy of such data to be shared between all the objects of that class.
4.Given the following information:
Job list:
job number memory allocation
J1 740K
J2 500K
J3 700K
memory list:
memory block size
Block 1 610K(low-order memory)
Block 2 850K
Block 3 700K(high-order memory)
In the job list they have job 1, job 2, and job 3.In memory list also have block 1 to 3.The job 1 has a memory requested is 740K so that the job 1 will go to block 2 while the size is 850K.In job 2 the memory requested is 500 K and that's why they go to block 1 have a size of 610K.While the job 3 has memory requested of 700K will go to block 3 that have 700 K.
The job 1 and the job 2 they not allocate in block 1 and 2.while the job 3 is fit to the block 3.
5.Given the following information:
Job list:
job number memory requested
J 1 700K
J 2 500K
J 3 740K
Memory list:
memory block size
block 1 610K(low-order memory)
block 2 850K
block 3 700K(high-order memory)
Job 1 will go to block 3.The job 2 also go to block 1.And the last the job 3 goes to block 2.
a.)Another variation of the free list algorithm is useful for very transient allocations of memory, especially when all allocation are about the same size
b.) It is compare by there size and memory requested.
7.Worst fit the memory manager placed a process in the largest block of unallocated memory available.The idea is this placement will create the largest hold after the allocations,thus increasing the possibility that compare to best fit,another process can use the remaining space.
8. Yes.The memory manager will know to adjust them by the value stored in relocation register. All of the other values(data values) are not marked and wont be changed after relocation.Other numbers in the program, those indicating instruction, registers,or constants use in the instruction,are also left alone.

I-lyn Capuyan
Grace Danlag
Myla Bair